Stop lab data testing
start real UX monitoring
Fed up with changing lab data numbers, even when you didn't change any line of code at all? Real users matter, as those should convert.

- Metrics
Metric trends and comparison
Deployed pagespeed improvements? Compare current metrics with a previous date range.
- Core Web Vitals
- FCP, TTFB & PageLoad
- Set your percentile
- See trends per metric
- Chart
Metric histogram
Click on a metric to see insights via a histogram, with the previous date range in the background.
- CWV color indication
- Info on mouseover
- Custom comparison
- Set your bucket size
- Filters
Customize your filters
Filter all the way down to find bottlenecks and discover where to optimize, with the following characteristics:
- Page details
- User device settings
- Country and CDN
- Browser environment
- Dimensions
Deep drilldown
Per metric, see where UX is really regressing, for example per dimension. Slower devices is one of the possible bottlenecks.
- Direct overview
- Pageview indication
- Trends & distribution
- New charts on click